Saturday, April 26, 2008

Spicy Chicken with Peppers & Basil

Luckily, I'm no longer recovering from my latest trip to New Bosver;o)--that only took me a week, thank you very much--and I assure you it wasn't a week of potstickers and eating out. But this past week I both had a craving for and decided my own secret ingredient would be BASIL!!!

Upon returning from the supermarket with fresh basil... mmmm... take a whiff of that!! often!!! I was like--what the heck am I gonna do with it now... I've never really cooked with basil (buying canned tomatoes with basil doesn't count, right?)

So I hope on the internet and I find this:
Spicy Chicken with Peppers and Basil,,FOOD_9936_19523,00.html

It was YUMM-O!! (Thanks Rachael Ray--2x) That ones gonna be put in the rotation;o) Hey and don't be afraid with those red pepper flakes--Ms. Ray has a real good thing goin, cuz I'm gonna start tossin those in to almost anything and everything I want to give a kick to!

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