Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Frittata and Cupcakes, oh my!

I cannot get over how easy these cupcakes are (refer to 6/25/10 post for recipe)... also... they're like so fun to make--however, I have hella excess hugs that I've started to give away because if I end up eating them all by myself... err, I'll have more problems! hahaha.

So, it's been a while back since I've made frittata. And you all know I've been lagging about posting my frittata recipe. I've made it twice now for work, and have yet to make it for myself. Anyways, lately I was thinking what a yummy dish this is to have in the morning on the weekend after sleeping in and all you want is a fancy omelette and something better than a quiche!!

Here's the recipe for Spinach Frittata

I've pretty much always stuck with the recipe--only altering the ingredients to appeal to who I am feeding. This last time I was cooking specifically for my friend who doesn't eat meat. This is why I've stuck closely to the spinach. However, I believe the first time I made it I threw some ground sausage in to it... I'm thinking ham steak would be soooo yummy in this--my brother would love that! Also, I love cheese--so I would throw all sorts of varieties of cheese in there--anything that melts works. And there's one key breakfast ingredient that I believe this spinach frittata recipe lacks--it's bell peppers. I think along the lines of what's in a denver omelette and pretty much throw that in there and you'll have a wonderful breakfast to wake up to.

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