Sunday, February 14, 2010

Roasted Cauliflower

I'm just easing myself back in. I apologize again for my prolonged absence, but I am back and better than ever...well, we'll see. I've been inspired to try new things.

I'll be honest... In the vegetables department, I was never creative nor did I have a clue what to make for the side dish that would satisfy the vegetables food group requirement of your daily food intake. (Are you thinking what I'm thinking--food pyramid? whatever happened to the food pyramid--how do they teach children how to eat correctly?)

Roasted Cauliflower

This recipe is so good and easy. Prepping it takes 5-10 minutes and then after you pop it in the oven, you can spend the rest of your time making the entree.

[Just some tidbits on the benefits of eating cauliflower...]

Cauliflower promotes a healthy heart and reduces the risk of strokes. It contains selenium and vitamin C, which work together to strengthen the immune system. Cauliflower is good for people with high cholesterol. The glucosinolates and thiocynates increase the ability of the liver to neutralize potentially toxic substances.


bradcrandall1 said...

I have some cauliflower that I need to get rid of. You could do this grilled too by putting it in a sealed bag made of foil stuck ont he grill with the garlic and other seasonings inside....I do corn and asparagus that way when the weather is nice.

jaxie22 said...

Oooh! Corn and asparagus sound really good! It's starting to warm up. There may still be time in this wintery season for one more BBQ;o)