Monday, November 22, 2010

Brussels Sprouts Au Gratin

One of the fun things about living in a rented apartment is that you get old junk mail from the old tenant. I'm sure I didn't sign up for the Trader Joe's newsletter but sometimes I flip through it because it has some good ideas for recipes. In this year's "Thanksgiving" edition, they had a bunch of ideas for brussels sprouts. I have to be honest (Mom, please don't be mad at me.), I never liked brussels sprouts... Until! I started cooking it myself. I got tired of the usual broccoli, green beans... or (if I was really lazy, I'll just make) frozen peas.

The other day I was at Nugget Market (my favorite overpriced "organic" market), and I bought a huge block of Gruyere cheese. I do not even know why... maybe I was tempted to make onion soup (so much work--I need a good cheese grater, Santa.) Anyways, I found this brussels sprouts recipe.

Brussels Sprouts Au Gratin
beef stock
Gruyere cheese (or any melty cheese)
brussels sprouts, quartered

Wash and cut the brussels sprouts. Pan roast the shallots. (I used a 12-inch type skillet.) Add the brussels sprouts, cream and beef stock. I also threw in some crushed (or minced) garlic. I like to cover it because it makes it cook faster. After it's done, remove from heat and top with Gruyere cheese.

If you must know, C and I had this with pork chops and mashed potatoes. Yum!


Anonymous said...

looks delicious! -zach

bradcrandall1 said...

I still don't think I can eat brussel sprouts. Bad childhood memories. lol

jaxie22 said...

Thanks Zach!! It's really easy to make... And Brad, doesn't everything taste better when you put cheese on it!??

mamacita said...

i just bought some brusels sprouts, cannot wait to try this recipe.